A dream about broken glass

A dream about broken glass

A dream about broken glass

We happen to have dreams containing various motives related to broken glass.

We may be walking on the pieces of broken glass and be screaming of pain, somebody may make us chew and swallow broken glass, which is bringing us enormous suffering. In the other version of this dream, we are running and we suddenly fall in the glass which we have not noticed before. We may also see a broken window or a glass, or break an item made of glass ourselves.

How to interpret a dream about broken glass?

Sharp pieces of glass, which appear in our dream and cut our body, may symbolize the painful words and situations form real life.

We have to think if there is something in our life which got broken and fell apart into pieces – why did it happen? Are we able to do something about it? A dream about eating glass means that we are intentionally suppressing the pain inside us and will not let the wounds heal. Is it really worth hiding the grief? Maybe it would be better to accept what happened in our life, and thanks to it find the strength to reactivate? Maybe there is something unpleasant and “uneatable” in our life, just like broken glass, which we do not want to face? It is worth considering the confrontation, which may brings us the healing.

Dreams in which we are walking on broken glass, feeling pain and bleeding, may mean that the events in our life which we have been recently facing (especially in the emotional and family life) are very painful for us, cause emotional confusion and cost us a lot. We should look at them from distance and find a solution, although it will not be easy.

According to some psychiatrist, glass symbolizes emotional walls, which we are surrounded by in everyday life to suppress our thoughts, feelings.. Breaking glass intentionally in a dream may be the indication to approach our life with new openness and peace.

How would Freud interpret a dream about broken glass?

Freud never referred to broken glass in his interpretations, however, he mentioned about failures in dreams. For example, dropping a glass or breaking an item mean that we want to realize some (more or less noble) hidden wishes.

How would Jung interpret a dream about broken glass?

Jung never referred to broken glass, however he considered a glass container to be a significant dream symbol. Every glass container in a dream symbolizes an egg-shaped vessel, unum vas, which alchemists use in experiments with boiling various combinations of metals, in order to turn them into gold. For Jung, those experiments, as well as the vessels appearing in a dream, where the expression of the need to analyze own personality and to reach the highest level of consciousness.

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