A dream about a rose

A dream about a rose

A dream about a rose

A rose is a very often appearing dream symbol. It is worth analyzing, as it has various meanings and its correct interpretation will help us solve a lot of significant mysteries of our life and the everyday existence.

In our dream, we may see a rose in various colors, blossoming or wilting, we may only watch it, but also smell, pick, plant, receive or give somebody. How to interpret a dream about a rose? We advise below.

How to interpret a dream about a rose?

As mentioned above, a rose is a complex symbol with various meanings. It is believed that a rose appearing in a dream is the expression of the true, archetypical self, the most perfect sign of consciousness. Think about the look of the rose from your dream – was it beautiful, spectacular, or rather sick, wilting. Try to remember its smell. How did it appear? Did you see it in a garden, or somebody gave it to you? What kind of emotions it aroused? All those aspects have matters and will help you find the most accurate interpretation.

For example, blossoming roses mean that the dreamer is opening to the higher consciousness, while wilting roses indicate that the way of development has been missed.

A rose is also the feminine symbol, the symbol of fertility, passion, creation, life, beauty and the eternal cycle of birth, death and revival. It is also the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love.

In alchemy, a rose symbolizes wisdom; white and red roses are the symbol of the conjunction of the opposites, which is a part of the individuation. In Western mysticism, a rose is the symbol of God, Christ, the mystical middle, essence and common love. Along with a lily, it is the equivalent of a lotus, which occur in Eastern mysticism. Jung compared a rose to the mandala – the symbol of fullness.

Rose thorns are the christian symbol of sins. Renaissance painters often used garland to illustrate the rose garden of Virgin Mary, they used rose wreaths to decorate angels, saints and mystics to express the heaven’s bliss.

Also the color of roses is extremely important – white rose symbolizes innocence and purity, red rose is the symbol of martyrdom and mercy, while a blue rose means something unreachable.

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