A dream about a historical figure

A dream about a historical figure

A dream about a historical figure

It happens that we dream about taking part in a historical event.

We are standing arm to arm with some historical figure at a battlefield, we meet him/her for tea, or advise in love issues, just like a good friend. We may also be a passive observers of some historical event, which is happening before our eyes, which we have no influence on, which makes us scared or amazed.

How to interpret a dream about a historical figure?

Dreams about historical figures are believed to be the attempts to personify our ideals, to make them material. If we want to decrypt the dream in which somebody famous appears, we have to think what feelings he/she arouses in us, what is his/her value, etc. Do we associate with the qualities represented by him/her? What are those qualities? Do we want to have them?

Dream analyzers believe that historical figures represent the feelings from the past, which we should get over, although it is not easy.

How would Freud interpret a dream about a historical figure?

For Freud, historical figures appearing in dreams had no meaning, although he assigned a meaning to the events which they participated in.

How would Jung interpret a dream about a historical figure?

In Jung’s interpretations, famous figures appearing in dream represent those qualities, which we would like to have, which we aspire to, or which we have, but are not aware of yet. A famous person may refer to our archetype of shade, but it may also express some aspects of the Persona.

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