A dream about a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband

A dream about a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband

A dream about a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband

The closeness of another person is very important to us – even the biggest loners from time to time have the need of hugging somebody, sharing their most hidden thoughts, planning the future together etc. No wonder that we happen to have dreams in which, along with us, our second half appears.

The course of events may be various – from romantic, through funny, to even dramatic… Sometimes we experience a beautiful, worth remembering adventure, sometimes we travel or we have a baby, we hug and dedicate to the passion. On the other hand, in a sad version of this dream we fight with our partner about everyday problems or something more serious or we find out about his betrayal.

It is possible for single people to dream about being married and experience wonderful or dramatic moments.

How to interpret a dream about a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband?

Dreams in which our beloved person appears, we usually interpret very personally – they reflect our relationship and how we see ourselves in it.

Dreams in which we feel happy strengthen the feeling of the bond between us and hearten us. However, dreams in which somebody is violating our closeness with the partner, is disturbing, distracting us etc, may indicate our insecurity, fear of being misjudged – we feel that the faith is against us and wants to take the best things away from us.

Dreams in which we are in a relationship, although we are single in real life, means our subconscious, unaware need of safety and being taken care of.

How would Freud interpret a dream about a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband?

Dreams about a partner Freud treated as an inversion – that is the contrary of what they presented and what their meant. For instance, if the dreamer dreams about the betrayal of his partner, he probably subconsciously wants to have an adulterous affair…

How would Jung interpret a dream about a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband?

Fro Jung, dreams about intimate contacts with the partner were connected with the masculine and feminine energies which are natural for every human.

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