A dream about a gate

dream symbol gate

A dream about a gate

A gate is usually an entrance to some kind of a closed, restricted area, it is placed in various constructions, e.g. fences or walls. It is the symbol of a bridge between different worlds, the connection or separation of the real and supernatural worlds, brightness and darkness, good and evil.

It may appear in our dreams in various versions. We can, for instance, see an opened or a closed gate, closing before our eyes. It may be unusually constructed, be pulled down, we can enter it or try to open it, successfully or not.


How to interpret a dream about a gate?

Dreams containing motives connected with gates symbolize changes in our life, an attempt to cross a border or limits, they may also mean moving from one stage of life to another, rejection of the old rules and getting a new ones. A gate may be the symbol of the new level of consciousness (e.g. attempting to enter the unconsciousness or the higher ego), but also opening and closing the ways of communication between the levels of consciousness.

An open gate in our dream means that we have new possibilities that we should use. A closed gate is the symbol of aversion to changes, also it means problems with self acceptance and an attempt to isolate from the surrounding, which we have to find a cure for. Untypical gate indicates relation between our dreams and emotional life, strong emotions related to the close person we have been fighting for or are in a relationship with. A pulled down gate is a bad sign – it is a metaphor for financial problems which we are sensing, but putting it out of our mind. It is worth realizing it and starting to fight them, until it is too late.

In mythology, gates to various places were guarded by dangerous beasts and monsters, such as Cerberus, who guarded the gates of Hades, who was supposed to keep the outsiders away. If the gate in our dream is guarded by a monster, it may be the symbol of obstacles in our way to changes.

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