A dream about a car

dream symbols car

A dream about a car

A car is another popular dream symbol, which may appear in our dreams in many contexts. It is worth taking a good look on the car and situation seen in the dream, as it will help us draw interesting conclusions about ourselves.

We can drive a beautiful modern car or an old ruined one, but also, an old and well-kept one. We can drive alone, accompanied by our acquaintance or a stranger. We can obey the road traffic regulations or break them, we can buy a car, see a car accident, get in or out the car…there are plenty of possibilities, so it is good to analyze every dream carefully.

How to interpret a dream about a car?

A car is an archetypical symbol, which represents the dreamer’s ego. It is worth analyzing what car we are traveling in the dream by and how is the travel itself, because it may be a reflection of our psychic life. Dreams in which cars appear may also be a warning of the upcoming troubles – maybe we are going to lose control over something, maybe we take too many responsibilities or we unnecessarily break common rules? Let’s think about the emotions that accompany us riding in a car in the dream and try to draw conclusions.

The look of the car is important. If is worn-out, damaged, old, this may mean that we have a low self-esteem. A new, spectacular car may mean that we stop at nothing.

If we are driving in a dream and somebody else is giving us tips on how to do this, this may indicate that we want to hand over the control of our life to somebody else. If the car stands still, but the wheels are spinning – you may feel helpless or stuck in a moment in your real life.

Dreams in which we lose control over the steering wheel may make us aware of our fears and stresses. They often appear during pregnancy, but also when we are experiencing other life’s changes.

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