A dream in which you are boxing indicates that strife is churning inside you, and that you are not adequately expressing your feelings. You might not be living up to your potential.
A dream in which you are boxing indicates that strife is churning inside you, and that you are not adequately expressing your feelings. You might not be living up to your potential.
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I had a dream about fighting a dog. The dog was a husky. It was black with a while/silver belly with blue eyes. Kinda looked liked the blue diamond dog food commercial dog. I was boxing the dog, I mean really going toe-to-toe with it. It was on its hind legs and about the same height as me(5’10). I was tagging the hell out of it, I mean punching it right in it’s jaw and it wouldn’t go down. It was in a neighborhood I didn’t recognize and people were outside paying us no mind.