

dream tickleOne of the most difficult things in the life as well as in the dream is breaking through the barriers which every person, originally for his protection, has built up. Hence, one needs in the dream sometimes the most mad pictures to be able to interpret able to recognise the real message and to be able to indicate. Tickle in the psychological sense means to take lightly everything. This can refer to a person as well as to a situation. With a sensitive dreaming the tickle mostly means that he has a deep, nevertheless denied need for humor. If this is not the case, at least every intimate approach with humor should happen. Something tells to lure from a person herauskitzeln or him from the reserve in the dream to want to move to him to a bigger measure in nearness. If we tickle to somebody in the dream, we want to add to him in the awake life maybe an insult, – we ourselves are tickled, we should not play the pained.


To be tickled in the dream, can be called at the spiritual level that the dreaming with a healthy serving of humor approaches equipped the spirituality.



  • Taking it not so tragically. With cheerfulness you achieve more success.
  • feel: you are in high spirits.

(European ones).:

  • tickle feel: a misunderstanding is cleared up,
  • in the nose or in the neck, so that one must sneeze: one is asked for an advance,
  • others tickle: hurt meant somebody, – also: one will bring himself by weakness and stupidity around many friends,
  • are tickled: an insult find out, – also: points to worries and illness.

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