A dream about losing a handbag/a wallet

A dream about losing a handbag/a wallet

A dream about losing a handbag/a wallet

There may be a lot of versions of this dream, and the common point is that we think that we have lost our handbag or wallet.

We are wondering whether we have put them somewhere and we can not find them, or somebody has stolen them from us. The panic arouse immediately.


How to interpret a dream about losing a handbag/a wallet?

A dream about losing a handbag or a wallet usually appears when something in our life is changing – we are starting a new job, expecting a baby, sending children to study, etc. It is a classic dream expressing fear – a minor, crisis puts us off balance, and it is not even definite – as we may find the lost items in the most obvious place. Our behavior in the dream symbolizes our reaction to the changes in our real life. The lost items epitomize our identity. If something which unsettled our life has lately happened, e.g, a removal, change of job or of the living situation, and we do not feel a solid ground under our feet, we may doubt our identity and wonder, whether we feel satisfied in our role.

How would Freud interpret a dream about losing a handbag/a wallet?

For Freud, a handbag in dreams was the symbol of the female reproductive system, especially uterus. Its appearing in the dream is the expression of the sexual fear.

How would Jung interpret a dream about losing a handbag/a wallet?

In Jung’s opinion, a wallet symbolizes the Persona – if it appears in our dream, it means that we are losing our identity and strengths.

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