A dream about an untypical vehicle

A dream about an untypical vehicle

A dream about an untypical vehicle

In a dream about an untypical vehicle, we are moving on the ground or in the sky using an item, which is purposed to something else. It can be a bathtub, a vase, a desk or a fridge, which we use just like a car. Although we do not know how to drive it, it brings us to the destination anyway.

In the other version of this dream we are using a regular mean of transport, but not in the typical way – e.g, we are flying in a car, riding in a boat or a plane on the street, etc.

How to interpret a dream about an untypical vehicle?

Interpreting a dream about an untypical vehicle, we should think whether we associate it with something particular in our real life – with some event, person, duties, etc. If we are, e.g, traveling in a bathtub, maybe we are running away from our home duties? Or maybe we are planning to work in a home appliances store, or to start such a business? Or maybe we are bringing work home and “parking our desk in the garage”?

It is also important how we manage to drive our untypical mean of transport. If we are doing this easily, it means that we following the right way in our real life, and if we are having problems with it, we probably need some changes in life.

How would Freud interpret a dream about an untypical vehicle?

Freud believed that all dreams about means of transport (also those untypical), and dreams about being late for some mean of transport, express our fear of death and are the Thanatos’ manifesto. What is more, he interpreted all ships and boats as the dream symbols of uterus.

How would Jung interpret a dream about an untypical vehicle?

Jung believed that every mean of transport in a dream illustrates the characteristic of the dreamer’s psychical life. Interpreting such a dream, he would pay attention to whether the mean of transport is individual or collective, self-propelled or mechanical, etc… For instance, people who are traveling by plane are driven by “anonymous pilot”, which means that in real life they follow their intuition coming from the unconsciousness, while people who are traveling by tram, bus, etc are prone to imitate other people’s behavior, suppressing their own promptings of unconsciousness.

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