Post Office
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Dream interpretation and meaning : Post Office
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Please describe your dream about Post Office and get FREE interpretation
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I pull up to the post office in my car trying to park, instead of parking within the lines I try to park long ways across the lines so I can just pull out when I’m done (cause its dark and the main part is closed and I’m the only one there… so I think) after I park long ways I look in my rear view mirror and notice all of a sudden there’s a truck w/ a trailer hooked to it parked the same way, I look around and there’s at least 3 or 4 other cars, people are getting out and just standing or sitting in the parking lot, I decide to go in quickly to get out of the way but on my way to the front entrance this group of black boys start following me, I get a lil scared because of the way they approach me and I begin to fight one in particular, his words seem to be trying to warn me though. I punch him in the nose and enter the post office, check my mail box, which is a file cabinet, there’s no mail inside but before I close the drawer a postal worker hands me the mail. I get back in my car, which is now parked correctly in the lines and I notice in my rear view mirror a group of white boys smiling seems to be singing and again there’s one in particular who comes up to my car, opens the door, and grabs my arm in a violent type way, my other door is opened and someone grabs me from that side too but I don’t quite notice him, the one I do notice is smiling, he nice but grabs violently and their telling me something but I don’t know what and I wake up.