dream foam


dream foamFoam warns about illusions above all in a love relationship. He gives to the dreaming to understand which seems a little bigger and better than it is in reality. Although one has already reached a lot, one is not contented and can be thrilled over and over again to new enterprises and adventures. Moreover, one should watch out for wrong friends and Wichtigtuern, because these will join in to him usually badly.


The foam in the dream points to the foam racquet in the awake life who only wants to blind his people. Who climbs up from the foam crowns of the sea and goes ashore, will be successful in a new period of life (here the dream takes over the picture from the mythology: Aphrodite is the foam-born emerged to the sea).




  • see general, to eat, or in it sit as a bath: your love is unsteady and you dedicate yourself deceptions,
  • of fermenting and foaming liquids see: Peep and Carrying will be got to believe in you.


  • He expresses that everything seems bigger and better than it is. The dreaming has reached a lot and, nevertheless, is not happy, likely because he to themselves lonely feels. He may try to take more delight in social meetings, and recognise that his a little obliging behaviour is the cause of his loneliness towards other.

(European ones).:

  • or see foaming: reminded to the quick transitoriness of all earthly.
  • eat to: one will be invited to a party and spend pleasant, restful time in amusing society.


  • see: unsteady love, – also: a happy scenery will surround,
  • hit: you are not truthful,
  • eat something frothy: one easily falls victim to his idealism and the imagination, – also in the love one dedicates himself allzugern to the deceptions,
  • touch: the love not always is that what one requires of her,
  • of water: easy come easy go,
  • of lard: you can count yourself happy, soon come in another country to the prosperity,
  • of butter in the frying pan: pay attention to your household.

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