Fir is often a phallic symbol which indicates sexual needs. In the other sense the need for harmony and quiet joy is expressed in it. A high fir should also promise a long life. The fir allows to remind most dreaming immediately of the Christmas tree, and with it she also symbolises the harmony and a pleasant mood in the circle of his family.
- in general: indicates at honour and respect, – comfort and joy, – one will be allowed to count on his friends and may always trust her advice and help, – long life,
- see a single one: points to directness and simplicity of a person to whom Li> us meets,
- fir wood: if health and security promises for a begun enterprise,
- see felling: considerable difficulties approach in the dear life.
(European ones).:
- like all trees as a power symbol to understand, – a pleasing position promises in the life,
- see: if a quiet, but nice joy promises, – one will meet a very frank, honest person,
- see a fir wood: one has begun something that to a security can bring, – the health is stable.
- see: you will take pains in vain to improve your situation,
- high and green: long life.