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Dream interpretation and meaning : Fingerprints
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Please describe your dream about Fingerprints and get FREE interpretation
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Dream: Money/Fingerprints:
Last night I dreamt that I was in the casino, but I recently won millions & millions of dollars. I had receipts to show proof there were two receipts one for about 500,000,000 something another for 400,000. I dreamt I was with a lot of friends I don’t remember all of them. I remember having to stand in a long line waiting to get my tickets check out. I had to get out of the line, because I needed more identification before I would be seen, so I had to grab those identification. While I was getting my identifications someone told me, a male, don’t remember who, not significant in my real life, but told me I most likely would not get anything until September 19. The same guy also told me I will most likely obtain not all of the money at once, because they break up the payments throughout my life, but that I would get in the beginning 7,500 something. I remember thinking in my dream that I could buy a house pay off the bills ahead of time & not be stressed out on finances, buy a car, n other important things while saving up. I never left the casino I went back in the line eventually I was the last one in line to be seen. It was an older female who checked out my tickets asked me for identifications & lastly, said I needed to be fingerprinted. She said any two fingers from any hand will do. I gave her my right index finger & my left index finger at the same time. I saw my fingers while I was getting fingerprinted. After that she confirmed everything that man told me I will get my first payment September 19 it’ll be roughly 7,500 something. I noticed on my fingerprints that my right and left index finger prints were merged together. As I was leaving a midget behind the counter commented something about my fingerprints to that lady, she agreed they both smiled. I walked away still in the casino, then I woke up.
Dream painting my artificail nails black. And when my sister pick a red cake for me, and when i was eating chicken in dream
My dream starts off in a place that seemed unknown to me, i was talking to a woman whom i don’t know and a friend whom had taken me to this place soon after the man disappeared, the woman and i talked for a while and she revealed that this place is where i come from, i started moving around, when i turned the corner i came across a place i know from a former dream the place had been moved around but had the same furniture on the corner there was a painting of some sort when i looked closer it was fingerprints with blood used as ink on a white parchment, one of the fingerprints seemed to be different in color and a bit smudged, it was framed with a small insignificant frame the dream moved on to me and the woman playing piano which i couldn’t do there or in real life later on she confessed love to me and a moment after she had to go, i was left alone and stared back at the painting for a few moments to have the dream end, i wonder what it could mean?
Dream I was being thumb printed all night long