Crystal dream dictionary


Crystal dream dictionary

Crystal – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – Essential, – clarity, – Zentriertheit. Question: – What is essential for me?

medicine wheel:

Key words: Amplifier, – receiver, – transmitter, – power, – moon of the ground electrode innovation, – quartz, – moon of the harvest, amethyst, – butterfly’s clan, Azurit, – cleanness, Herkimer diamond, – growth, fluorspar, – father the sun, – the druse which contains quartz or amethyst. Description: Crystals are minerals with identical, internal, periodically returning atomic orders, often with externally visible level surfaces. The people use the concept “Crystal” to call with it everything which has a crystalline manifestation, in particular stones from the quartz family. Rock crystal is an especially mighty crystal kind which receives life energy, sends out and strengthens. Some other crystalline minerals are also energy amplifiers. The special energy with which they can help may be inherent in you to all. General meaning: A time of the strength, – understanding of the life river, – better communication abilities, – inflexibility, – hardness, – can be a request to think over your settings anew and to accept new information. Association: Something harden, – a protecting sign, – clearly, – crystal ball. Transcendent meaning: To look at gift of the strength, – a revelation of that, as you see the world, – the ability, the things from another direction.


Crystal expresses the main features of the personality which are invariable. The crystal is in the dream a picture for the delicacy, the mistrust, the vulnerability and the distance of the dreaming to or compared with his environment. However, it also symbolises calculation and sobriety, as well as objective thinking. If crystals are formed in the dream, this is a tip to the harmony, incorruptibility, hardness and balance of the dreaming. The fine-polished crystal reveals that us only good manners can help to a success in the interpersonal area. If it breaks the light, we possibly stand there before the outside world in the twilight. A nice crystal stands generally for internal harmony which promises a happy future. Sometimes he also announces the acquaintance with a valuable person. A lilac crystal can symbolise an unsolved riddle in the life.



  • in general: in close vicinity is a person, looks for the friendship, – also: your love is true and pure, – a big fate meaning has and wants to be to us a signpost for the life creation,
  • break: if means the end of an existing friendship.

(European ones).:

  • make the acquaintance of a pure and respectable person full of character, – also: a turn in all what has prepared for a worry is indicated, – (can also be negatively)
  • see a crystal ball: to develop a warning, more reality sense and not to go to ruin to own wishes and illusions,
  • smash: a good friendship is destroyed by carelessness,
  • then

  • Seeing a woman a dining room furnished with crystal, including the chairs, has them reason for the acceptance that from her very respected people this respect do not earn any more, – nevertheless, she will find out that were other in this space which are also concerned by this sombre dream.


  • see: the acquaintance of a straight lady approaches you.

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