Carriage dream dictionary


Carriage dream dictionary

Carriage – Dream Symbol Interpretation

To understand a symbol for the personality of the dreaming – sometimes also as a status symbol. In which state was the carriage? The mobile mat which brings only without any hurry to his aim also translates the uncertain future of which one is afraid a little. If one gets out or one jumps off during the journey, one wants to determine his life himself. She can also stand for the longing for some romanticism and rest. Allow yourselves a small excursion from the everyday life, at the moment you particularly really seem to need it.



  • see: do not dwell on your haughty thoughts further, – also: unexpected income approaches,
  • see precross or getting out to themselves: one must count on disagreeable loss,
  • leave in it: you will have to say to a beloved person goodbye,
  • come in it: an already long-preserved desirable aim will be soon achieved,
  • jump up at the last minute: one will have more luck than in the next future one is good.

(European ones).:

  • see a splendour carriage: futile vain hopes look after,
  • see a travel carriage: being recompensed and visits with others act,
  • see a carriage: unexpected income surprises to one,
  • own: happy trips make,
  • search one: one must have to work hard and diligently for the aimed success,
  • see driving in it themselves: Success and carefree existence, – you will achieve the aim of your wishes, – honour and wealth,
  • promises

  • in it be on the move: there threaten continuous losses and bad shops,
  • get out in a carriage one or: one will only handle a loss if one maneuvers in the next time very carefully,
  • get out: Loss of the property or the honour,
  • drive a carriage: one will achieve without difficulties the aim of his wishes,
  • steer an one-horse carriage: because of uninvited visit or an illness must let out a trip.
  • (ind).:

    • heraussteigen: hard suppression find out.

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