Carnations – Dream Symbol Interpretation
If we receive carnations in the dream, give away or see, they mostly announce pleasant, – this can be a dear visit, an amusing company or an unexpected idiom to the better in the professional life. Carnation is interpreted as a symbol of the friendship and one recognises the following meanings according to accompanying circumstances:
- blossoming carnation stands for good friendship, particularly if it looks red or green.
- white carnation indicates an unselfish friendship.
- yellow or black carnation indicates problems in the friendship.
- wilted carnation announces that a friendship cools.
The garden flowers seeming in many variants are the ‘little nails’ which help us to get over something which possibly robbed of the sleep (‘with little nail besteckt, slip under the deck’) us. Also men dream quite often of flowers, but only seldom for aesthetic reasons. In the Traumsprache carnations mostly have the meaning of girls for sale. May be that the person concerned of an adventure with a girl for sale hopes for the fulfilment of certain wishes which he does not dare to express towards other girls. Only ‘by the flower’ he dares to realise such wishes.
The carnation was a symbol of the passion and is also to be seen often on pictures of the Madonna.
- in general: a good sign for the development in occupation and love,
- blossoming for married: indicate at surprises in the family,
- blossoming for single ones: one will win a good friend or experience an amusing adventure,
- smell in it: a nice financial profit stands in the house,
- shop: you must fulfil a tiresome duty,
- get as a gift: you have envious person and enemies,
- give: one will warmly meet you.
(European ones).:
- see: indicates at remaining domestic luck, – happy times and new clothes, – the dear life develops admirably and also professionally one has chances,
- blossoming ones see: promises a loyal friend, – the colour of the carnation shows the character of the friend in green: Cheerfulness and optimism, – blue: big openness, – red: very big temperament, – yellow: he will be sullen, – black: Reserve and melancholy, – knows: Unselfishness,
- pick: a friendship is endangered by rashness,
- sell: happy times and new clothes,
- see a wilted one: a friendship will grow pale.
- pick: Joy and pleasure expects you,
- see: you will win a new friend.
was clearing carnations and putting them into water. most of the carnations were not so good any more.