Business dream dictionary


Business dream dictionary

Business – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – Resources, – variety, – choice. Question: – For which new things do I look?

In general:

If we make purchases in a business or store, we must pay the bought objects with money. Hence, a dream of purchases often acts from something that we would like to have or need, pay in connection with that, what we for it or give. Such a dream often shows emotions: If a man or a woman for underwear pays too much money, he / she maybe feels that it costs dear him / them – emotionally or physically – to impress the partners / female partners or the lovers (n). Of course the bought is also important – one looks at it as an independent symbol. One should also have a look at the kind of the business in which the dream scene happened.


A business symbolises in the dream something that the dreaming would like to have or believes to need. If he knows the business well, this is called that he knows what he wants of the life. If it concerns a business unknown to him, he must possibly look in his memory for recollections. Shopping tells to conclude a fair barter with the aim to satisfy his wishes. The dreaming owns the right means (money) and can exchange it for this what he would want. Also the bought object itself can matter. Supermark points out to the fact that the dreaming must make a choice. If of the dreaming food makes purchases, he needs food, he selects clothes, these stand maybe for protection. In the dream it mostly concerns countershops which the soul offers to us, so that we take the advice of the unconscious. Young people hardly dream of the deals which they make because they stand still at the beginning of the struggle of existence. Older people strike already rather once in the dream balance and it is, however, hardly about financial things.


At this level a business is a place of spiritual exchange.



  • see or make: your diligence furthers you, – your property grows and you have luck,
  • enter: you make unnecessary issues,

(European ones).:

  • symbol for mental Exhibition (exhibition), much too voluntary Anbietung,
  • see: durchtriebene and jealous friends will position themselves to one while making headway in the way,
  • have: there is trouble and plague.

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