Association: – Return to the earth. Question: – What am I ready to put aside?
No panic, you certainly do not dream of the really own! May be that for you ‘somebody has died’ – you want to deal nothing more with him / you, break the contact completely. Sometimes one must also bury a problem ‘ideally’ to have the head again freely for new. The participation in a burial moves the need in the field of vision to finish a loss. Who dreams of own burial, has concluded with an essential phase of his life – maybe the dream announces a separation, however, a move, professional changes or stay abroads – does not determine your death. It can also be a tip to the fear, threaten to be overpowered, possibly by too high responsibility or by suppressed personality shares, which to burst out by force.
Here the spiritual symbols are significant for death, loss and pain. They must not necessarily have a negative meaning. The dreaming should deal with the rebirth and the positive elements which can be contained in this symbolism.
- foreign people: You will get an inheritance.
- members of the family: You will carry heavy grief.
- to itself: You should give up a bad habit which leads to the illness.
- one with big splendour: One will make a big present to you.
- a cheap one: If you act so further, you will become impoverished.
(European ones).:
- see: Finally, old disputes or family tiff will bury. Then the amicable or informal relations will be able to prosper again anew.
- of a member take part with sunshine: healthy respect and happy Verehelichung in the relative’s circle, – with rain: Illnesses, – bad news of absentees, – commercial burglaries,
- take part in general in one: if a sign can be astonishing-wise for the coming celebrations,
- on it shuts sadly with sad faces: disgusting circumstances announce themselves,
- the own: if means the end of a special worry,
- argue with the dead: if the constant hostility with this expresses,
- feel sad: one should check his feeling to the dead and revalue the behaviour to this person.