award dream meaning


Dreaming of being rewarded or receiving an Award may portend disappointment. If there is something you are waiting for and you dreamed that you are getting an award, be careful in building expectations – do not promise yourself too much because you may experience a painful disappointment.

However, if you approach your expectations carefully, you can be pleasantly surprised.

Dream meaning award

A dream about a reward inspires you to take a realistic view of life and warns you against swinging in the clouds.

For many people, a dream in which we see a prize, but do not have it in our hands, may be a harbinger of a long struggle, the end of which will be the possession of the prize. Of course, the reward can be anything from a promotion at work to a large financial reward. But think about whether what you are fighting for is important to you? Or maybe the process itself counts for you? Of course, everyone likes something else

Dream dictionary reward

  • Receive a award – a portent of someone’s undeserved ingratitude …
  • To present the award – loss of business and family distress …
  • Winning a award – promises financial problems in the near future …
  • Official award – your work will be recognized …

A reward in a dreamlike reality means that you secretly sigh for greater recognition for your efforts at work, that for a long time you feel strongly underestimated for your efforts and the need for praise and recognition that would motivate you to work even more persistently.

It is one of the symbols of a great life change, during which we make decisions that we make at the right time for ourselves, and which fundamentally change our lives forever ……


The reward is given for participating in an event or, for example, for good deeds.

dream award

Consequently, it can be said that the reward is what you get when you do something right, regardless of the rank of the event in question.

The dream of a reward usually has good connotations as it portends a time of glory and wealth.

You will be very happy with everything that happens in your life.

The reward in your dreams also symbolizes that everything will be fine and you will get very good results on your decisions.

It may also be that we dream that we are giving a reward to someone else.

In this case, the forecast is also good as it means that you will have a great deal of recognition in your professional and personal life in the near future.

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Dream interpretation and meaning : Award

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