

In the coming days you will alternately rejoice and grieve. However, everything will turn out well in the end.

This symbol means that in every misfortune there is also some happiness, you just need to know how to find it.

Dream meaning agony

When in a dream you see someone in agony, you will lose contact with someone, broken ties.

If in a dream you are in agony, you are afraid for your future, ahead of you a lot of changes and difficult decisions, if necessary, remember your friends, to whom you can always turn for advice.

The meaning of the dream AGONY in other cultures and Dreambooks:

Mystic Dreambook:

  • Agony in a dream symbolizes failures that come back and affect us strongly.
  • If in a dream you see someone in agony, it means that the ties that will be broken.
  • If in a dream you see a stranger in agony, ahead of you is a decision that you dread.
  • When you see yourself in agony in a dream, you will discover the meaning of your life.

Dream about agony

This symbol can be read in different ways. If you simply dream that you are witnessing agony, but you can’t identify who is dying, nor are there any additional details accompanying this symbol, it means that in the coming days you are in for a lot of joy, but interspersed with sadness, but you can be sure that in the end everything will work out in such a way that you will be fully satisfied with your situation.

You can also take this as a signal that in your life, even though it seems hopeless to you, there is actually a lot of happiness that you will experience, if only you know how to discover it. You should look for it where you least expect it.

If, on the other hand, someone you know or a close person is in agony in your dream, it means that you are about to lose contact with someone you care deeply about, and perhaps these ties can never be rebuilt again.

When you are in agony yourself, your subconscious gives you this sign that deep down you are very afraid of what fate will bring you and it is difficult for you to make important decisions. It’s also a sign for you to turn to your friends for advice and help if you need it, because even though you don’t think they’ll be able to help you now, you’ll find that they’re worth counting on.

Dream of agony

A dream about dying is usually a harbinger of a radical change in the dreamer’s life.

However, everything will turn out well in the end. This is because the interpretation of many dreams is the opposite of what they seem to say at first glance.

This dream is common in people suffering from anxiety. It usually refers to serious material losses. If agony appears in your dream, it means that you may face mood swings in the coming days.

A dream about agony indicates that you are living in uncertainty because of fears that are more or less imaginary, but almost always unfounded. After the worse days will come the better ones. It is only up to you to make the most of these good moments.

However, in reality, only in exceptional situations does it foretell death. Interestingly, it can often also mean good health, depending on the context of the dream and the elements in it.

Any dream about agony or death is very painful and disturbing, because it stirs the imagination. A dream about a woman in agony means that receiving an inheritance, a favorable business deal or a chance to improve one’s employment will slip through our fingers. It can also foreshadow an illness that will affect us or someone else.

Agony symbolizes changeability in a person’s life. Seeing someone familiar in agony usually means that this person’s attitude will change. You will alternate between joy and sorrow in the coming days. A sick person who dreams of dying will soon recover, but a healthy person may become ill.

This dream means that even in difficult moments we can try to find happiness and enjoy small things. In your life, joys and sorrows will be alternately intertwined. This symbol means that in every misfortune there is also some happiness, you just need to know how to find it.

Seeing yourself in agony can be a harbinger of illness, sadness or loss. Seeing a dying stranger means unexpected benefits. There will be alternating joy and sadness, but when the time passes everything will settle down after your thoughts. Depending on the context, the same dream can also be a harbinger of a long life.

Meaning of the dream agony

To be in agony

the symbolism of this dream means that you are worried about your future, there will come hard days and a lot of work, however, you can survive them with the support of close people, you are afraid for your future, there are many changes and difficult decisions ahead of you, if necessary, remember your friends, to whom you can always turn for advice, you are full of worries about tomorrow, you feel that changes are coming, only it depends on you whether they will be changes for the better, come out to face the difficulties and take life in your hands.

Seeing someone in agony

it is possible that you will lose contact with someone, your ties will be severed, you will lose contact with someone, broken ties, some opportunity is just passing by your nose, it means broken ties with someone you care about, take that first step to regain contact with that person.

Agony dream dictionary

Agony – Dream Symbol Interpretation

To dream that you are in a state of agony means that anguish will get in the way of enjoyment.

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