Tassel can promise success, honour and respect, but warn also about vanity and craving for administration. If one uses them to the powder, one indicates in terms of cosmetics.
- see: a present receive, – also: one wants to demonstrate something, – care to you!
- golden ones: a valuable present receive.
(European ones).:
- receive happy visit, – many small presents will prepare for a joy,
- shop: one could be more sparing,
- see: the at the moment existing wish will come true, – one will come to honour and respect,
- golden ones: bring wealth,
- (powder puff): you are outwitted.
- golden ones: your business decreases,
- to the powder: one wants to outwit you.
I had a dream that there was a tassel that grew from my left eyebrow, whats the meaning of this dream?