

dream ruinIf something lies in the remains, the dreaming must find out whether the cause is a disregard or destruction fury. Applies ersteres, this is to be understood as a tip to the dreaming that he should tighten his action and thinking. If the case is latter, it would be important for the dreaming to find out in which manner he makes himself vulnerable. Ruin often points to the past which one has not processed yet. Often states of exhaustion also appear by chronic excessive demand or consuming passions, now and again fear of age and illness in it. Now and then the symbol warns specifically about material ruin.


The house ruin can point to our body which maybe needs construction materials, so that he is not weakened too much or is shaken by illnesses. With the ruined castle or castle ruin in the vision something reminds us of the transient whose part we are. If the dreaming has smashed an object intentionally, it is in the time to realise his self-destructive side. Every now and then it looks illuminating if the dreaming looks at the symbolic meaning of the person or the circumstances which have ruined the object or the opportunity.


At this level the ruin in the dream can be an effigy of the spiritual state of the dreaming.



  • see: you are too careless and do not think of your age,
  • enter: are outwitted and in loops fall.

(European ones).:

  • nightmare, – one is afraid of material loss, – with ageing people also fear of power loss, – ruins point out to the fact that one can become old and frail, however, glad days can stamp also at the age in it, – for lovers: Resolution of the engagement,
  • see: an event wakes up former recollections, or one finds a memory or gets as a gift one, – alarming circumstances rule in the professional area, or one falls ill,
  • old ones see: if signal vast trips, but under the joy at the fulfilment of a long-preserved dream light sadness interferes, – one suffers from the absence of a friend,
  • the walls of an old ruin wander through: if is a good sign,
  • walk by the ruin of a modern destroyed house: very bad sign, – care before business speculations,
  • stay in one: one will have a strange experience.


  • see: provide for the future, nobody will help you if you have become old,
  • visit: you will come to honour.

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