Who drinks from it, new strength scoops in full trains, – who wants to drink from an empty pot, with that is not healthwise some in order.
- see: can count on a good message, – also: you are loaded to the wedding,
- full ones: if a long-standing loyal friendship,
- drink from it: happy experiences may expect, – one will get over several dangers and receive his health long,
- fill: let in the luck not from the high spirits thrill,
- empties: announce a tiresome visit which will bring problems with itself.
(European ones).:
- see: promises good news, – means good friendship and the coming joy,
- see one with clear contents: one is interested not only even in his well-being, many real friends will act to a good,
- empties see: own behaviour will alienate from one of friends and from home,
- drink from it: big forthcoming joy, – good news,
- from a wine drink: points to good health and optimistic philosophy of life in all areas,
- from a milk drink: if good health,
- take a bitter drink from it to himself: stands for disappointments, although one was of good hopes,
- broken ones see: signalled illness and failure in the occupation.
- drink from it: good message.