The plum-tree is valid in Japan, China and in the Far East as a tree of the knowledge and as a life tree. The closer meaning of the plum in the dream arises from the whole connection. Often it is compared because of her form to the female gender organ and is valid as an unequivocal sexual symbol which should promise dear luck, women against it rather gender envy to men if they see it in the dream or consume. From age the plum was valid in front East as a distinct luck symbol, as a symbol of the virginity if she shows no damages in the ripe state.
- immature ones see: Incommodities experience,
- matures see: Sign for an advantageous development which is due to careful planning and well-thought-out actions – one should strive to itself to remain loyal always and to go on working conscientiously on the realisation of his aims, even if of beginning no success is by view, the turn comes unexpectedly,
- pick: happy party celebrate,
- eat: perhaps, a death, the number of the plums forecasts the number of the days, – it pays attention to your health, because excess damages,
- for woman – eat: she will have to count on a disappointment in an intimate connection,
- plum stones spit: what torments you, now you get rid,
- make plum jam: Peace and luck at the home.
- you is the omen for a good development on account of clever planning. The dreaming should remain loyal to itself and go on working on the realisation of his aims. Even if still no success seems by view – on a better way than the given one the person concerned cannot be at all. He may be surprised from the success.
(European ones).:
- greens (except in trees!): are an infallible portent for physical indisposition, – also: Strains will be vain on account of lacking planning,
- matures see: if favorable opportunities announce, – however, these are only from short duration,
- refines see, picked: a good sign, – they stand for professional success,
- dry ones: stand for problems and worries,
- pick or eat: meant satisfaction, – also: it stands a flirtation or another transient pleasure in the house,
- sour ones: tell a murky experience which one will wear, and promise grief,
- sweet and refines: if success promises, – courage and perseverance are recompensed,
- gather: meant a passing, but not lasting fulfilment of the wishes,
- of the ground lift: if a sign is for change according to the position of the state of the plums,
- of the ground lift and are decayed between the good: one will soon notice that the expectations were unrealistic and the life not always is sweet corners.
- you will come to pleasant society,
- dry ones: Boredom will torment you.
my dream is about black plum i pick plenty of black plum fresh ..then the one plum i pick in the sand i dig it.then i see a big black plum when i see its fresh but i getting in the sand the plums become soft and squash when i touch …
my dream is about black plum i pick plenty of black plum fresh ..then the one plum i pick in the sand i dig it.then i see a big black plum when i see its fresh but i getting in the sand the plums become soft and squash when i touch …