

dream pageHe prepares us for march reliefs with our life trip, takes from us a part of the load round which we must lug with ourselves. In women’s dreams he is the attentive pretty youth with whom, actually, the partner is meant who is not able in such a way as one would have it with pleasure, and which one wishes the quick appearance of the young man.



  • you inclines to wilful pranks,
  • even a page be: Love affair.

(European ones).:

  • see: An invitation for a party get which will confuse to one very much. One takes the time to think well about the answer. Good existence,
  • deal with him: a rash respect with somebody come who does not fit to one,
  • she will commit

  • Taking over a young woman the role of a page, a silly side jump.
  • (ind).:

    • see: you have a love affair.

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