orgy dream meaning


Dreams of orgy are usually experienced by men, although they sometimes occur in women, they are usually a manifestation of a tendency towards group sex, but can also be a manifestation of complexes experienced on the subconscious level.

A dream about orgy

The dream abou orgy can be for men with a rich sexual experience or looking to add variety to their intimate life.

They can also appear in men who have lovers and subconsciously want to combine experiences with women they know.

The orgy dream can also be an expression of the so-called the complex of a small member. It manifests itself in the belief that the size of the member is below the norm. Most often it concerns men who are unsure of their value and compare themselves with their peers.

It mainly affects young men, leading to sexual anxiety and phobias. They can manifest themselves precisely in dreams of erotic content, especially in visions as unusual as the vision of an orgy.

Note that these dreams are not necessarily related to sex. It could be a dream about relationships, complexes, feelings, or problems.

How else can such a dream be interpreted?

Remember that each dream must be interpreted differently. Each dream can mean different things. The orgy itself can also be interpreted in several different ways.

It is different if you dream about it and it takes place in the forest. It is different when you cheat on your partner with other people, and another thing when your partner takes an active part in sexual games with you.

Correct interpretation of the dream requires an analysis of the situation in which the dream represented an orgy and verification of your life, what is happening in it at the moment.


Orgy Dream Meaning

Orgy is a specific dream over which we have no control, especially in relation to things related to our physiognomy and physicality.

Orgies symbolize debauchery and chaos.

However, in their positive context, they imagine rebirth as the coming potential which is only visible as a natural consequence of our development.

Like the alchemical state of Nigredo, it is a symbol of the dark night of the soul, or more precisely, the confusion of the senses before the very ascension, which precedes the renewal of the meaning of our existence.

Taking part – symbolizes debauchery and internal chaos, as well as the lack of confidence in personal decisions …
See – a warning against promiscuous company that will cause you a lot of trouble …
To dream of – a warning against cheap and worthless pleasures …
Seeing your friends – you will spoil your opinion in the eyes of an important person …

What does it mean when you dream about Orgy?

Association: – indiscriminate union. Question: – Where in my life I am ready to find out the unity from all?

In general:

An orgy is connected with an immense emission of energy which originates if the dreaming himself gives to himself the permission to approach to his sexuality. If a dream of an orgy acts, this can show how the dreaming refers to other people. He has an oversized need to be understood by other people belovedly and. If the dreaming experiences this in the dream as an orgy, this is maybe to be understood as fear of controlling loss. Orgy expresses edged out desires and passions which control one only hard, but can also not realise not to endanger the good call. The dream can cause a passing discharge of internal tension.


Often dreams express difficulties or blockades which the person maybe has in a certain area of his life. Because for most people her self-image is strongly connected with her sexuality, an orgy in the dream can refer to how the dreaming can release the blocked energy. In the dream a behaviour adequate in the awake state serves to balance such difficulties. It is a dream or he indicates that you are too conservative. Then you should form her life a little more laxly.


At this level the orgy stands in the dream for a spiritual excess.


(European ones).:

  • see: Warning of bad contact or before inferior and costly pleasures,
  • take part in one: one will come to bad call.

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Dream interpretation and meaning : Orgy

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