Association: – Monument, – recollection. Question: – How would like I to remain in recollection? What do I leave?
In the dream one maybe leaves in an inscription on a gravestone the name of a person whom one knows. One thinks of their typical qualities, because in such cases the dreams say us that we eradicate these qualities in ourselves should (kill) or change. If one leaves the inscription sad, one should probably think over his setting to the called person or that what she embodies anew. One asks himself whether one had to become more lenient, more gentle or more thoughtful, e.g., if the person owns these good qualities highly.
- see: an old age reach, – also: you lose a friend,
- carry or by a falling one are knocked down: in big mortal danger float.
(European ones).:
- see grave writing: one will lose a friend or relative,
- see gravestone: if brings marriage blessing and prosperity,
- an auseinanderbröckelnder gravestone: if illness and difficulties means in the family,
- admire together with other gravestones: means the suitable partner find,
- grave-mounds see: one will be reminded of something that one has forgotten for a long time, or one will retrieve something that one had lost or had been taken from one,
- see tomb: an old friend who enjoys big respect and was long absent will return,
- see tomb: good news about a birth and a letter will lead to big luck.
I dreamed of a kitty cat who seemed to have had good deeds for the people. When discover how he/she was needed. The cat was curious and was caught up in a machine and died. I was very upset and quickly in my dream I was looking at a brand new tombstone in a large country field. Could not read the stone, but feel it was for the cat., then I woke up sad….