Garlic has a multi-layered meaning. Because of his form and his Zerlegbarkeit in single toes he is valid as a symbol of the fertility, and because of his smell one ascribes to him protecting qualities. A dream, in the garlic seems, can be connected with these both meanings. Garlic is understood in general as a symbol of good health. He protects the heart at the physical level and, hence, helps against fear. If one smells him unpleasantly strong, should warn after old dream books about quarrel and other incommodities.
At this level garlic in the dream symbolises magic.
Garlic eat, however, misfortune, the possession brings luck.
- see or smell: Widerwärtigkeiten and unpleasant experiences expect you,
- shop: is careful in your commercial transactions, – make a bad deal,
- eat: Illness, – also: a little bit notorious action is expected of you,
- boil away: do something for your health.
- a good omen: In every form it encourages to the confidence. Something which is good for our health and our social position expects us. Good times and a very long, full life approach us. It is a matter merely of continuing thus as before of remaining loyal, to itself.
(European ones).:
- smell: Losses and bad luck with enterprises, – distant premeaning that one becomes the victim of a Klatscherei,
- see for a healthy: it becomes a good omen, – the destiny in future very well with mine, – for a sick person: one will be released from illness,
- rove through a garlic field: the need will change into respect and wealth,
- eat: one lives consciously and does not go hunting after some ideals,
- with a young woman means this that she will marry alone for financial considerations, besides, love is not in the play.
- see: Quarrel, bad rumours,
- smell: Widerwärtigkeiten,
- eat: Quarrel, – you have bad habits,
- pick or shop: you step with Jews in business dealings.