dream field


dream fieldThe symbol of the field in the dream is ambiguous. It means either that the dreaming enters into a fertile life phase, or that he has a certain problem and will soon ‘work on’ this. The field is valid as a prototype of the motherly (the wish for a child and maternity), the fertility and the attachment with our natural forces. His appearance in the dream points to the internal, psychic rooting and strength and also symbolises to female being shares – the more nicely and healthier the field in the dream appears, own psychic old strength is the stronger. One must follow the following specific features:

  • Who field with a lot of vigour worked on, will come in the love to the aim and have a full sexual life who sees him in the dream, it is reminded of his duties.
  • Standing the field in full blossom or in full fruit, so this can point for the dreamer to the beginning of an especially fertile life phase, the sowing has risen fruitful.
  • farmed field can promise rich harvest for the strain, – grain grows in it, is after the Indian dream apprenticeship an encouragement, because one will find out of a mißlichen situation happily again.
  • dreams of ripe grain in summery field scenery stand for the longing for an of course down-to-earth life form without stress and big-city hectic rush. One would like to escape from the daily grind, ‘get out’ best.
  • Being he harvested or his clods have crusted hard, points to a problem which the dreamer can master only with persevering diligence, or on the dangers which he has brought on by own bad luck. Who dreams, however, in a quite existing conflict situation of dry fields and hard crusted earth, is asked to file his stiff position and to become a little ‘ more permeable ‘ more different for the opinion.
  • vacant field stands mostly for failures which one has to ascribe to himself, however, himself because one ordered his field not properly, – the symbol, nevertheless, is not quite unfavorable, because one can reach by own strain also again to the success.
  • a dry, infertile field points to neglected, unfull sexual life as well as to strong longing for maternity.


Field the symbol for fertility, the lap of the mother earth, the attachment with the natural forces.


The ordering of the field, the sowing, plants or plowings is for marrying and for childless of good premeaning, – the arable land means nothing else than the woman, the seeds and the plants the children namely to wheat sons, barley daughters, legumes, however, miscarriages, – to all remaining people indicates it strain and hardship. If somebody is ill in the house of the dreaming, the person concerned will die, – then seed and plants be covered just as the deads with earth. If one looks like you grain harvest, grape harvest and cutting of the scions at an inopportune moment are carried out, all our actions and enterprises move to the same time and the same season.



  • Dreaming one, he has sowed wheat on his field and the sowing has well risen, he will pine away in worries about expected wealth, he has sowed barley, the wealth will appear immediately, – then barley is a feed for the horses, – these are legumes, he will experience in hope for rich yield big disappointment. If all called sowings are non-well-behaved, he will throw down because of the Miss’s wax his worries.
  • he digs up

  • his field and he eats of the dug up earth, he will acquire absolutely useless means because one cannot eat the ejected earth.
  • Dreaming one, he has sowed a piece of country with Lein and the Lein would stand good and prospers, he will win property and respect with the people because one makes clothes out of Lein.
  • Seeming it one, he has unordinarily a field planted with Lotos, he will attain according to his magnitude welcome and big wealth, it is nothing unusual for him, he will become rich also, but less.
  • a lupin field indicates worries and plagues.
  • Dreaming one, he has sowed wheat on his field and the sowing has well risen, he will pine away in worries about expected wealth, he has sowed barley, the wealth will appear immediately, – then barley is a feed for the horses, – these are legumes, he will experience in hope for rich yield big disappointment. If all called sowings are non-well-behaved, he will throw down because of the Miss’s wax his worries.
  • he digs up

  • his field and he eats of the dug up earth, he will acquire absolutely useless means because one cannot eat the ejected earth.
  • to furrowed ones see: Work and trouble remains not saved to you,
  • see greening or blossoming one: Luck in the love,
  • farm or plant: indicates at happy advertisement around a woman,
  • for a married: on child blessing,
  • about one go: if you properly plan, the luck with you will be,
  • see going for himself about one: one receives a longest expected news,
  • working devices on it see standing: one should be not hasty carefully and in the management of his finances,
  • agriculture pursue in nice weather: if luck and good shops,
  • announces

  • agriculture in rainy or bad weather: indicates at grief, worries and annoyance,
  • see a vacant one: draws the attention to up to now unused chances in the occupation,
  • of weed overgrows or lays waste from the hail and storm: one should make himself calm on strokes of fate,
  • field furrow: do not miss the time, now it is properly to be undertaken something, so that it brings luck,
  • field earth: you have to be glad all reason, because the love and the luck have hit root.

(European ones).:

  • plough and farm or see such: Joy and satisfaction,
  • order: for unmarried it means a basket (refusal), for married a good woman or man, good children,
  • in general a fertile one: the farmed field indicates the successful harvest (reward) for strenuous work,
  • fertile and blossoming, as a property propertied: good shops, fulfilment of wishes and hopes,
  • cultivated or with fruit: what you hope, will succeed you,
  • with healthy grain equips: indicates at good yields and professional progress,
  • pass over it: Improvement of the situation,
  • runs wild: you will experience an unpleasant surprise, – disappointment,
  • with weed spread: the strains will not bring the desired success,
  • of the hail and storm lays waste: one must make himself calm on strokes of fate,
  • vacant: Failure, unused chances in the occupation or close evil, – points to female virginity,
  • with liquid manure poured over: good progress of a matter, – a plan will succeed,
  • many stones in the field see lying: many obstacles linkedly with a lot of work.


    the works of the people mean

  • of sowing fields.
  • Dreaming a religious, devout person or a hermit, he orders a field known to him with wheat, this nicely rises and it is the time of the Wachsens, points to his works towards God, – a my husband or a farmer will perform after this dream in occupation or agriculture whole work.
  • Dreaming a prince or the emperor that in an unknown country the fields are ripe for harvest he will collect the people and arm for the war, and the people will be ready if the day of the harvest has come to pour her blood, – however, the harvest is delayed, will be also delayed the bloodshed, – an easy man will come with work and trouble to prosperity.
  • Dreaming to the emperor, how the fields are harvested or are already harvested, and seems to it him, these are his own, he will soon get the news of the setting of his people, these are foreign fields, from the foreign people.
  • Owning one a piece of country or a barn completely sesame, his wealth after the said will be bigger. A piece of country or 1 acre of piston millet indicates lower income than sesame.
  • Owning somebody a rice field, he will come with a lot of quarrel, processes and plagues to prosperity because the cultivation of rice brings a lot of drudgery with itself.
  • rice eat prophesied wealth, however, around the price big evil.
  • Dreaming a believing, he sows certain botanical species and harvests an another, and is worse harvested than the sowed, he will find no welfare in his faith, to a my husband his professional expectations will miss, – however, the harvested is better than the sowed, the dream will happily end for everybody.
  • with grain: do not lose the courage, because it will still turn to everything to the good,
  • of overgrown, with weed covered field announces against the fact that one will experience a disappointment,
  • with the harvest

  • vacant: if the people do to you bad, forgives them, the luck stands on your side,
  • find something: your thoughts will not come true, however, does not despair, because you have good people around yourself,
  • success promises

  • liquid manure and fertilizer on the field above all in financial regard,
  • with mice: is not timourous and stick to your faith.
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