dream fertilizer


dream fertilizerEven if he does not smell good, it is a luck symbol – a (spiritual) sowing rises and gets support (fertilizer) – nothing more is in way of her prospering. An encouragement dream: Ideas are moved successfully, wishes come true, plans get strong support. So that is often connected the request, from that what one leaves behind on the life to create the bases for a better future and to develop.


Cow dung is only to farmers of use, he means also horse dung and every other, excluded human excrement, – to all others frustration and damage and if he stains, illness. He gets only the people who pursue a dirty craft advantage and after identity card of the experience profit.


He stands for the loading of the forces and the awakening of the creativity, new optimism and new chances.



  • see: a good business,
  • smell: Win in the lottery, – one will reach an old age,
  • go: you get a lot of money in the house,
  • on the field go: your prosperity grows,
  • scatter: your work will succeed,
  • fertilizer heap, small: you must be sparing, – there come bad fruitless times,
  • largely in general: your property and your luck grow,
  • largely and one is not married: Signs early of happy marriage,
  • largely and marries: especially harmonious married life.

(European ones).:

  • one should be carefully in his new acquaintances, because some under it will slander you, – also: good sign for everybody in subordinated positions, not so luck-promising for well-to-do,
  • see or smell: announced success and financial profits,
  • stand on such: if means illness,
  • fertilise something: one will achieve at an enterprise very good results,
  • on the field scatter: if luck and blessing promises as a result of our activity,
  • fertilizer pit: if brings Wohlhabenheit.
  • fertilizer heap: if a sign is for extremely disagreeable works after whose overcoming we will earn, however, a good profit, – indicates secure prosperity and success, however, admonishes at the same time not to become stingy because one can lose, otherwise, everything again,
  • dirty themselves with fertilizer dishonest action and activities registers,
  • fertilizers set off: unpaid calculations still stand in a queue.


  • see: in the occupation you will have big advantages, – is not stingy, – it yields to you no profit,
  • smell: Success in all things,
  • see going: unexpected luck is given you.

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