Elk dream dictionary


Elk dream dictionary

Elk – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Key words: Deer, – bulky, – powerfully, – strongly, – barking, – points, – ancient. Description: The elk is the biggest member of the deer family, a bulky and quick animal. Like the wapiti the elk can be also already heard from big distance. His barking warns congeners with approaching danger. Elks move in the warm season mostly only through the country. If they are tormented too strongly by insects, they disappear in water and roll afterwards in the dust, so that the so originating mucky layer protects them against her torturers. General meaning: Your own strength and power, – your ability to clear communication. Association: – Transcendent meaning: Gift of the strength, – strength to continue with your dream work.


The mighty animal is valid as a strong symbol for freedom and boundless width, but also for an easy, independent life in the nature. Who dreams of him, longs for it and should allow itself at least on vacation a time out. A typical drop-out’s dream. The elk also refers to the male Triebhaftigkeit, above all if it concerns an animal who is in the rutting season and looks aggressive. Nevertheless, generally the elk is a good portent, because he points to advantageous business or however private and personal connections.


(European ones).:

  • wild animals in unnatural captivity: if means quarrel or dispute.
  • see at liberty: a good sign for informal matters, – one will experience a time of the tender being together with the family.

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