If one often indicates like foreign currency. Often they also announce a failure from which one derives, in the end, however, one more profit.
- by your knowledge you will come into money.
(European ones).:
- see: meant an inheritance,
- shop or acquire: one approaches to a thing which goes about own forces and fails, therefore,
- lose: if annoyance brings by a misunderstanding, but it will well go out,
- find: one will receive a present.
Last night I had a dream where my mom gave me a $100 bill to buy us take aways and when I opened my wallet, my wallet was filled with $100 notes. We in south africa don’t use $100 bills. We use the R100 notes. What does it mean?
I had a dream I was at a store, I lived there becaused my bed was next to the register. I had several 2 dollar bills that were given to me as change? what would/can this mean? I was at the store.
Last night I had a dream where I was walking with two other people. I was in the back. As I reached the doorway or threshold of path, I see a big silver and gold coin. The other two didn’t see this large, new and beautiful coin as the walked ahead of me. The side of the coin that I saw had a woman–warrior–holding a staff and her clothing flowing in the wind. (I know I have seen this image before.) The gold was on about three places, as if it was to enhance the beauty and value.