Association: – handicapped, – Eingeschränktheit. Question: – What may become healthy in me?
In this dream it is about mental or spiritual ‘impediment’ – in any case, around diminished mobility. One dreams of Verkrüppelungen if one is ashamed for a weakness – or if one flees with pleasure in (played) Hilflosigkeiten, so that one gets more allowance. Vice versa it can also be that one is reminded by the vision of a crippled body at the fact that intactness and vitality is no self-evident fact – an appeal to the dreaming, to be less haughty and ‘ without compassion ‘. Which personal topic should become here a deliberate-made, arises from the more exact dream action.
- see: unexpected help, – also: you must expect inhibitions,
- one meet: Incommodities must suffer,
- one be: a lot of misfortune and difficulties have,
- help one: Luck and success appear.
(European ones).:
- see: if consolation and help sends a reminder to perform, as long as one thereby does not damage himself, – it will be helped to one, – also: To be friendly warning, to the people in the surroundings, – a temporary commercial stagnation,
- even one be: unexpected help and success, – one will become depending on others,
- maintain: one will have pity on an unhappy person.
also prophesies
- see: a bad premeaning.