Key words: Aid, – jewellery, – tools, – cleaning, – leader, – heat conductor, – mystic forces, – moon of the first frost. Description: Copper, in the medicine wheel together with malachite the mineral totem in the moon of the first frost (from the 24th of October to the 21st of November) to Born, is diminished worldwide and was used quite early to the production by tools and by jewellery. From copper one says that special qualities are inherent in this metal which are able to clean mind and blood. Copper leads electricity and spreads warmth evenly. It comes often together with crystals to the use, because it is able to bundle up supposedly the energy which is more or less unknown to us even today and to be concentrated. General meaning: New tools find, – transformation of the physical appearance or the view of the world. Association: “Red” hair. Transcendent meaning: Understand of your mystic forces, your contact with them and how they can change you or charge.
The ‘metal of the Venus’ symbolises suitable qualities: Beauty sense and creativity, playful-light success with all formative and artistic activities, sensitivity, joy in the enjoyment, cultured life handle, joy in luxury and also the need for it – feeling intensity and dear ability. Who realises in the dream objects or jewellery of copper (or red gold to which the copper portion is to be looked) given away the called qualities and needs and also ‘presents’ other in this sense. Who dreams of getting something of copper, longing has for it and is to be brought by the typical Venus qualities easily in temptation.
- a hot wish will not come true to you,
- copper money: your work finds low wage.
- This symbol says that only success appears when suppressed the dreaming person less and cramps in it is able to work. It also wants to warn against overexerting itself in the fight for his aims, but against wanting to seem also before it, to the outside at all costs more. (Woman
(European ones).:
- see crude: if brings fulfilment of wishes, – also: Suppression by superiors, – can symbolise luck above all in a love relationship,
- copper objects see: if quick coming up,
- see copper money: means sudden issues, – desperation and physical charges, – also: bad wage for hard work,
- see the polished: warns about arrogance,
- lose: if bad luck tells in,
- find: one will be preserved from a sensitive damage,
- own: concludes by arrogance,
- give to a beggar: promises big profit,
- give away in general: luck-like omen,
- receive: Losses.
- see: your wage is to the life not enough and to the death too much.