Coat dream dictionary


Coat dream dictionary

Coat – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – Protection, – covering. Question: – What do I hide?

In general:

The coat is that what wraps us, keeps in and sometimes covered. One will possibly find out that one carries the coat or greatcoat of another, – more than once a young man went in the coat of the mother. There the second birth from the mother’s warmth had not apparently happened in the chiller world emotionally yet.


According to the personality of the dreaming the coat is a dream symbol for the protection, but also for the cover. But also on the protective need of the dreaming to known people can be pointed out by this picture. Something is covered – a secret which one would not like to allow to snatch from himself, the love which one wants to retain integrity. If one dresses a new coat, one will shine to the outside and can find a lot of understanding for himself. Too further or too short coat indicates that one has though the good will to keep a secret for himself that it would be able to do us, however, sometime once entfleuchen. Who covers himself up or another with a coat, would like to spread in the awake life about some the coat of the silence. A carefully close coat or a garment with buckles refers to restraint.


The coat is a symbol of the protection.



  • Dreaming a ruler, he dresses a coat, he will get a big name and good call because the coat is always carried about the other clothes and covers accordingly a good name all activities and letting the person, – the dreaming is no ruler, but a my husband, will find he rich income, protection and security in his trade.
  • he draws

  • a coat from Chasdion, his wealth will be even more considerable than to his name and state is due, – is the coat from linen or cotton, he will receive in his work protection and help from low people, he is blue, to bigger property come, if red, big means in the form of coined gold acquire according to the density and firmness of the coat, – one of yellow colour prophesies financial difficulties and loss of the power, a green wealth and power increase with the help of a woman.
  • Seeming it one, he has lost his coat, he will go of his wealth forfeit, get in need and lose his power.
  • Burning the coat, he will be punished by the ruler, he is broken into pieces or become mellow, his property and his position will suffer damages.
  • Dreaming of the emperors, he dresses a coat because it rains or thaws, he will find protection to the relief of his distress, – is the coat from beaver fur, he will oblige ill-disposed, mighty people to the help in the fight against enemies. If he throws because of the cold on a coat, he will protect his treasures and his rich possession and protect. If it seems to him, there appears any damage to the coat, will come true the face in the mentioned Völkerschaften.
  • pull: one will soon receive the opportunity to co-operate in a promising project,
  • carry or see: Would attain and high esteem,
  • more nicely: Honour and respect,
  • carry a new one or put in: your relations will make amends, – one stands before the beginning of a new life epoch with professional success,
  • old: points to a bad situation,
  • tear: Protest compared with the hypocrisy of his members or colleague,
  • see more torn: a painful separation must get over,
  • carry old or torn one: you excite compassion, – one should watch out to get to know by a bad luck a disadvantage,
  • see dirty: you will be tormented by indisposition and illnesses,
  • too largely: Affliction,
  • lose: you will come to informal worries,
  • of another person put down: by Zuvorkommendheit you will shame your opponents,
  • a friend see wrapping themselves in one: this will behave disingenuous and cause damage,
  • see taking somebody: one will shame you,
  • see somebody with a coat covered: Adjustment.

(European ones).:

  • desire to the cover, often fear, sees through or to be exposed,
  • see anew and elegant one: if means the end of a sad time as well as respect and honour, – one has chances which one should perceive, – also: one reaches to literary honour,
  • draw his own or carry: one will be able to count on the support of the family in professional difficulties,
  • draw a new one or carry: the situation will improve,
  • take off a new one: if means deterioration of the situation,
  • lose: Affliction and need, – one must recapture his luck, after one was too credulous with speculations,
  • tear: Separation or existence change, – one is internally furious,
  • to torn ones see: one will lose a narrow friend, – the business prospects are hopeless,
  • to old ones see: thin inheritance, – it threatens bad luck,
  • draw an old one or carry: if brings need and worries,
  • take off an old one: if brings a relief,
  • mend: a hopeless thing worries,
  • see somebody firmly in it wrapped: there is the danger to be damaged by insincerity deceived or, – also announcement of a secret,
  • several coats see: one will get in a hopeless or muddled situation,
  • carry that of another: one will ask a friend for protection,


  • have: Honour and respect,
  • to big one: Affliction will strike you,
  • more nicely: you have after long time again luck.

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