Carry dream dictionary


Carry dream dictionary

Carry – Dream Symbol Interpretation

If the dreaming of that is aware to carry an object, then this of him requires to think about the fact how many loads or difficulties he wants to expect of himself. If he dreams that he is carried, then the vision maybe signals his wish for support. Carry points to forthcoming heavy work.


If the dreaming sees himself in his dream with how he carries another person, this embodies the fact that he has taken over the responsibility possibly for other people and feels this responsibility as a load.


At this level means Carry in the dream the readiness to take over spiritual responsibility.



  • a thing: you must lend a hand yourself if you want to see a success,
  • a person: a friend is in danger, you must warn him.

(European ones).:

  • something: big efforts come up on,
  • are carried by somebody: if is an unsafe omen,
  • are carried by a woman or a poor person: luck-promising sign.

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