Bride dream dictionary


Bride dream dictionary

Bride – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Association: – female susceptibility. Question: – What is I to be received ready?


The dream stands for the striving for the union integrated with the not integrated personality shares, the general desire, after a balance of the internal and exterior discrepancies. However, with this vision the wish for a balance of power can be also indicated. In the dream of a man the bride symbolises his view of him female, innocent parts in his inside. If the dream of a wedding acts – in particular if it concerns those of the dreaming, this is a tip to the integration of feeling and reality. However, it is also a frequent dream of young men who are fixed on a special women’s type and search this ‘woman of dreams’ in all. If a woman sees herself in the dream as a bride, the attempt expresses itself to bring the wish for a love relationship with the need for independence in harmony. The dreaming must learn to understand the change of the responsibilit. If she sees a bridegroom she would like to get in touch with the male side of her personality. Bride, bridegroom are to be understood trivially sometimes as the need for a marriage or partnership which is maybe suppressed. Often are behind it, however, symbolic meanings, for example:

  • contrasts and contradictions in own personality will combine with each other to something new and lose, besides, her ambivalent character. Consciousness and mind will combine by better self-knowledge with the unconscious and the feelings to a more harmonious, ausgeglicheneren and ripe personality.
  • Now and again also there appear religious needs or the wish for transcendental experiences on the other side from mind and logic in it (bridegroom can stand, for example, also as a symbol for Christ or mind and the bride for the virgin Maria).
  • The bride carries a white dress, the colour of the innocence, cleanness and the luck, but also the abstinence and in certain sense also of the coldness (see also ‘white’). If the bride carried another colour, one pays attention to their meaning.
  • If bride or bridegroom the present partner was, one maybe needs a new confirmation of his love.
  • with own bride in the dream to sleep meant for the man an adventure with which he breaks a taboo.
  • Who sleeps with a stranger in the wedding dress, could get because of his much too brisk action in the awake life difficulties.
  • the bridal dream the dear luck from which they shrink back, however because something in her life dagegenspricht could contain

  • with women. Only sometimes it is a sort of desirable fulfilment if one leads a bride to the altar or steps even as a bride in the vision.
  • she symbolises

  • Being the bride in the dream happily, a happy family life and a good partnership.
  • the dream indicates

  • Being the bride, however, nastily or unhappily, in this picture partnership conflicts or family conflicts. However, it can sometimes also express the warning before an undesirable pregnancy.
  • a dream with a wedding pair can be the wish for fulfilment, particularly then if one himself was a bride or bridegroom.
  • If drive bride and bridegroom in the honeymoon, the foreboding of a forthcoming happy event can explain.
  • The dream of a wedding can show the devotion in a present respect and express the wish that she may hold. However, the dream can also indicate the fear of a connection. One considers the emotional state of the bride and the bridegroom in the dream. If you shone with joy and were excited or afraid and unhappily



At this level the bride stands for the spiritual need for love, the knowledge of the love, susceptibility and fertility.



  • or bridegroom see: good premeaning, – soul peace, – announces a pleasing event,
  • for woman itself as a bride sees or sees a bridal veil: her hopes might come true,
  • for man embrace a foreign bride: one should watch out for love affairs,
  • embrace the own: Peace of mind, also loyalty,
  • kiss: there comes a very happy time of the love,
  • see going to the altar: happy times,
  • lead to the altar: Fulfilment of a wish,
  • with them dance: quick marriage,
  • see the own, deadly: long happy marriage,
  • see running: meant the death (symbolic contrast!)
  • see a bridal carriage: if a lot of luck and success brings in the next time.


  • A bride is a good omen: Small joys, either erotic or financial kind, are to be expected.
  • A bride points out to kiss and/or to be kissed by her either on a small inheritance or an unforgettable amorous experience. (Man


(European ones).:

  • see in the bridal jewellery: a lot of joy and luck,
  • for unengaged woman see themselves as a bride: if quick engagement registers, – improvement of own situation,
  • for engaged woman see themselves as a bride: Dream of the opposite! The engagement will be solved, an expected marriage will not take place.
  • (for men) embrace one: a warning before careless love affairs,
  • kiss a bride: happy reconciliation with friends,
  • kisses a bride other people: many friends and joy of life have,
  • kisses a bride Sie herself: take pleasure to good health, and your treasure will unexpectedly inherit a property,
  • kiss a bride and to feel that you look anxious and ill: be contented with own success and the action manner of your friends,
  • many unhappy circumstances her joy of life will cloud

  • Being a woman indifferently towards her man.
  • Being a young woman a bride and procures them joyfully your bridal toilet, will make you in an inheritance which gives her exceptionally big pleasure shortens. If she feels no pleasure, besides, your expectations are disappointed,
  • see a bridal carriage: if a lot of luck and success brings in the next time.


  • death news will come to the house,
  • lead to the altar: long longing is fulfilled,
  • see dead: you will be happy and contented.

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  1. Anita

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