Beam dream dictionary


Beam dream dictionary

Beam – Dream Symbol Interpretation

 Association: – Sure prop. Question: – What does support my higher consciousness?

In general:

If one drags in the dream a heavy beam, heavy problems load the dreaming. Beams before the feet lie, call obstacles on the life. Beams before the eye mean that the right internal view was taken from us.



  • see: Discord, – one tries to load another person with the guilt for his own mistakes,
  • carry with reluctance: can count on heavy grief,
  • carry with pleasure: You can count on enlargement of your property,
  • fasten: protect your luck and your Having from loss,
  • exceed: You see only the mistakes more different and need more self-knowledge bitterly.

(European ones).:

  • old and more broken: Losses,
  • throw away one or give away: one tries to encumber with his own guilt or with failure another,
  • new or new one receive given: a lot of luck in the family life,
  • of wood: if means a load which is to be carried
  • from a beam of light: well-earned reward receive.

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