Apples dream dictionary


Apples dream dictionary

Apples – Dream Symbol Interpretation

It is an ambiguous symbol which one also finds in myths and religions (for example, expulsion from the paradise in the Bible) and can show fertility, love and temptation. After Carl Gustav Jung symbol of the life. In general he is often interpreted as a Verführbarkeit of the dreamer by worldly-material things and then can warn against letting lead into temptation too easily. In the old testament the apple stands as a ‘forbidden fruit’ which reveals what is angry well and what, however, only in the German translation. In the original text of the Bible it is spoken merely of ‘fruit’. For the Mediterranean people the pomegranate, the fig and the quince are the forbidden fruit, the apple, nevertheless, an ancient fertility symbol (however, also just called fruits are looked every now and then as fertility symbols). The apple is looked in the psychoanalysis as a typical sexual symbol, because he is very similar in his form to that of the female breast, above all if one sees only two apples in the dream. Hence, above all in the dreams of younger people the apple has often an erotic meaning, – nevertheless, for the interpretation is important whether the apple is ripe or immature. If older people dream of apples, this can also stand as a token for spiritual fertility. To eat an apple, therefore, points to the wish to acquire knowledge. Importantly for the interpretation in positive like negative is the state and the in colour appearance of the apples.

  • In luminous Red a token of love,
  • between Red and green the powerful life.
  • Becoming the apple eaten, points to intimate love relationships between man and woman.
  • Being the apple wormeaten, doubts about the honesty of the partner must arise accordingly, because in Cupid the worm gnaws.
  • decayed apples question a love relationship even completely.


The apple blossom is a Chinese symbol for peace and beauty. At the spiritual level an apple indicates a fresh start. Since the antiquity symbol of the fertility and, therefore, attribute of many gods.


The sight and consuming of sweet, ripe summer apples is good, – it means rich dear pleasure, particularly to those which advertise around a woman or lover, – then the apple is consecrated to Aphrodite (goddess of the love). Sour apples against it call turmoil and disputes, – then they are accompanying of the Eris (goddess of the discord). The winter apples which one also calls quinces bring grief because of her astringent effect.



  • see hanging on a tree: relational contacts,
  • many of the tree pick: meant joy, – rich reward,
  • pick one: you will experience shortly dear luck,
  • hold: you have to expect good,
  • collect: you make good deals,
  • sweetens eat: glad experiences, dear pleasure,
  • sour ones eat: Sadness, wrong friends, – quarrel and Widerwärtigkeiten,
  • more decayed: bad news which is due only to spitefulness,
  • peel: Destruction of hot hope,
  • cut: you will have to separate from a dear friend or a friend,
  • pips: your work will soon yield fruit and you will get rid of your worries,
  • applesauce: you see something wrong, – is confident what goes forward is good for you.


  • maturity and sweet apples are a good omen: Something will turn deservedly to the good, is probably to be calculated on a bigger financial allowance or on luck in dear problems.
  • Greens or bitter apples, however, register that something will go by own fault to the breaks. One should weigh his words and actions during the next days very carefully.
  • wants In general
  • say

“apple”, to the dreaming that he should better pay attention to his life and his entirety, because he is the person responsible alone for it. (Woman +)

(European ones).:

  • see a nicely leafy one: Satisfaction,
  • apple tree blossoming: forthcoming happy news which is authoritative for the whole life, – business success,
  • apple tree before the harvest: shining progress of the shops, – good income,
  • many see in a tree: you win many friends,
  • matures apples in the tree see: it becomes a time put into action the plans, – also: some of hopes will soon come true,
  • matures apples only, high in the tree tops: warn about too pinned up sighting,
  • pick: Prosperity,
  • red apples, with green sheets in a tree see: then favorable omen, – these pick and eat: be responsible for a bad luck,
  • eat a nice red one: if a pleasing love affair announces, – for single it means a new partner and for married new feelings of happiness in the love,
  • good ones eat, e.g., from a bowl: if promises long life, luck and success, – marriage luck,
  • bite in a sour one: one must deal with a disagreeable thing willy nilly closer,
  • wormeaten ones see or eat: Dear problems, separation, misery and frustration,
  • wormeaten on the ground see lying: point to wrong friends in the closer surroundings,
  • clarifies on the ground see lying: if missed chances register,
  • give away: one is pleased by gratitude,
  • of a woman give one: one wins a new friend,
  • on the ground recumbent: point to wrong friends in the closer surroundings,
  • immature or rots: bad news, annoyance, frustration and danger approaches you, – desperate enterprises,
  • a golden: now one wins in self-knowledge.


  • of the tree pick: if life success and joy announces, as well as you will succeed everything,
  • eat: you will receive requited love, portent for luck in the love,
  • peel: in your hope and expectation you are disappointed, however, your courage will help you,
  • receive: tries to reconcile you with your enemy,
  • give away: you are too tractable and one will want to use you only,
  • divide: you will have to leave a beloved person,
  • collect: you will find consolation in your shops,
  • rots: is not angry at person who are not openly to you.
  • decayed, wurmige apples warn about wrong friends, separation of a beloved person or similar grief.

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