When you see an apricot in a dream, it means that you will soon make some profit and be very happy, but not necessarily just for this reason.
Apricot : Dream Meaning and Interpretation
The growing apricot portends that your future will be very cheerful and joyful.
Blooming apricot portends you a late marriage.
When you dream that you are selling apricots, this portends considerable financial benefits for you.
Eating apricots is a sign that you will be in good health in the near future.
Eating dried apricots portends sadness for you for some reason.
When in a dream you see someone eating apricots, it means that your idea will not find approval from other people.
What does it mean when you dream about Apricot
- The apricot dream: sweetness and sensuality.
- A dream of ripe apricots: successes.
- Green apricot dream: premature joy, fear of disappointment.
- A dream of rotten apricots: failure and disappointment.
- The dream of eating apricots: carnal pleasures.
- Dream of wormy apricots: Disappointment with a situation or relationship that seems perfect.
- Dream of eating dried apricots: unexpected difficulties.
- Dream of someone eating dried apricots: an unpleasant event.
- The dream of tearing apricots: a close victory.
- A dream of fallen apricots: missed opportunities.
- The dream of an apricot tree: happiness, joy, sweetness, prosperity, happiness, vitality.
- The dream of planting apricots: a happy life.
- The dream of watering apricots: the need to fight for your own happiness.
- Apricot pruning dream: sacrifices will be necessary.
- A dream about a blooming apricot: a period of joy and happiness.
- The dream of a green apricot: hope and optimism.
- The dream of a fruiting apricot: the success of your intentions.
- The dream of a withering apricot: wasted effort.
- Dream of a withered apricot: an unfavorable period.
- A dream of cutting an apricot branch: an unfortunate event.
- The dream of cutting apricots: broken happiness.
- The dream of sawing apricot: a period of sadness and withdrawal.
- The dream of a neglected apricot: neglect, an act committed in bad faith.
Apricot – dream meaning
Apricot dreams are a common type of dream that can have a variety of interpretations depending on the context of the dream and the individual’s personal experience. In general, apricots are a symbol of abundance, fertility and renewal, making them a powerful and meaningful symbol in dreams.