amethyst dream


Amethyst in dreams represents peace of mind and also satisfaction with your professional and personal life. The sight of it signifies that you are happy with where you are in your life at the moment, it also indicates that you don’t need much to make you happy.

A stone like amethyst augurs an improvement in your own well-being and an appreciation of the lasting values you have in real life. A dream about amethyst also allows the dreamer to push away bad fluids and fill the void that was created in the past.

  • A beautiful and glowing amethyst in a dream augurs the arrival of better times. Your courage and intelligence will eventually lead you to great material success.
  • A lost amethyst in a dream is a symbol of a broken heart and disappointment in love. If you are looking for your other half, you need to be patient before you experience lifelong love and a lasting relationship.
  • If you dream that you receive an amethyst as a gift, it is a sign that you are satisfied with what you have achieved so far in your life, continue to experience joyful moments and focus more on your family.
  • A dream about a broken amethyst is a warning to be careful about your conduct towards other people, as you never know whose help you will need at an unexpected time.
  • For a young woman, an amethyst in a dream augurs trouble in love or difficulty in finding the right life partner.
amethyst dream symbol

What dos it mean to dream about amethyst ?

Dreaming of an amethyst can have a number of different interpretations, as the gemstone is associated with various emotional and psychological states. Amethyst is often thought of as a stone of spiritual and emotional healing, and its appearance in a dream can reflect a number of different internal factors, including our own personal beliefs, desires and fears.

A common interpretation of an amethyst dream is that it represents spiritual growth and enlightenment. Amethyst is often associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment, and its appearance in a dream may reflect our own desire for greater spiritual understanding and awareness. In this context, the dream may be a manifestation of our subconscious mind’s efforts to process and express our desires for greater spiritual growth and development.

Another interpretation of a dream about an amethyst is that it represents emotional healing and balance. Amethyst is often associated with emotional healing and balance, and its appearance in a dream can reflect our own efforts to deal with and heal from past emotional traumas. In this context, the dream may be a manifestation of our subconscious efforts to process and express our feelings about our own emotional healing journey.

Dreaming of an amethyst can also symbolize wisdom and clarity of thought. Amethyst is often associated with wisdom and clarity of thought, and its appearance in a dream may reflect our own desire for greater mental clarity and wisdom. In this context, the dream may be a manifestation of our subconscious mind’s efforts to process and express our desires for greater wisdom and understanding.

In some cases, dreaming about an amethyst can also symbolize protection and security. Amethyst is often associated with protection and safety, and its appearance in a dream can reflect our own fears and insecurities about our own well-being. In this context, the dream may be a manifestation of our subconscious mind’s efforts to process and express our fears and anxieties about our own safety and well-being.

The specific meaning of a dream about an amethyst can also depend on the context and details of the dream. For example, the size, shape and color of the amethyst, as well as the emotions and feelings associated with it, can provide valuable insights into the subconscious and the message being conveyed in the dream.

In conclusion, dreaming about an amethyst is a common experience that can evoke a wide range of emotions and interpretations. The meaning of a dream about an amethyst can depend on the individual’s personal beliefs, desires and fears, as well as the context and details of the dream. By paying attention to the symbols and themes in a dream, an individual can gain valuable insight into their subconscious mind and gain a greater understanding of their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs about spiritual growth, emotional healing, wisdom and protection. By exploring the meaning behind the dream, individuals can gain greater insight into their own lives and develop a deeper understanding of the challenges and obstacles they may be facing.

amethyst dream symbol

Amethyst dream

A dream with the appearance of this mineral can be a sign of mysterious events. Sometimes it relates to overcoming fears and anxieties and following a mystical path in life, directed under personal development.

It helps to communicate with the spiritual realm and with the dream world.

Amethyst is a symbol of beauty and something important that is about to happen. It has extraordinary properties of causing love towards the giver, assists in business, Influences the growth of energy, drives away evil thoughts, protects from bad fate.

From a spiritual point of view, both amethyst and other gems, precious and semi-precious stones have always had esoteric significance. Therapeutically, it relieves stress, calms the nervous system, relieves headaches, including migraine headaches, and has a positive effect on sinus problems.

Amethyst in a dream usually means success in business and general satisfaction with life. With its power it absorbs negative factors and combats air pollution. Considered a stone of sobriety.

Amethyst is considered a healing stone. It expands spiritual awareness, excellent for meditation and contemplation. A dream about amethysts or gems, among which amethysts predominate, is a symbol of high position.

Amethyst is a symbol of deep, sincere and pure love. It also represents humility, peace of mind, faith, self-awareness and acceptance. As a Power Stone, it strengthens the third eye and crown chakra. Happiness, but also a warning against inattentive behavior or actions. Enhances the influence on spiritual awareness.

Amethyst signifies idealized love, preferring a person as an ideal being, that is, valuing the human soul more than the body. A dream about losing an amethyst often indicates fear of possibly losing a friend due to illness or quarrel. It protects against thieving disasters, It promotes serenity, purification, transformation.

Amethyst is a harbinger of honest business dealings that will benefit you greatly.

Meaning of the dream amethyst

To see an amethyst

peace and contentment in professional and personal life, mysterious events

To wear an amethyst

your soul desires and seeks the deepest sensations, happiness, prosperity.

Receive amethyst

you are satisfied with what you have achieved so far in your life.

Crack amethyst

be careful how you behave towards others.

Hold amethyst

personal development, overcoming fears.

Lose amethyst

disappointment in love.

Beautiful and shining amethyst

better times will come.

Amethyst dream dictionary

Amethyst – Dream Symbol Interpretation

Key words: Value, – king’s dignity, – good power of judgement, – protection, – good setting, – balance, – moon of the harvest. Description: The amethyst, the mineral totem of the people who are born in the moon of the harvest (from the 23rd of August to the 22nd of September) is a widespread crystalline quartz with the chromatic circle from Violet to magenta. It is a popular precious stone and component of many old pieces of jewellery. Amethyst stands as a symbol for good power of judgement, justice and courage. It means, he protects that which carries him, before black magic, bolt of lightning, hailstorms and drunkenness states, – he creates a good spiritual setting and equalises between the energy on the physical and at the spiritual level. General meaning: A valuable, maybe even very old part of your being which is equipped with good power of judgement and courage, – a warning which asks you to protect yourself. Association: – Transcendent meaning: A gift of old wisdom and/or protection.


(European ones).:

  • means health, – satisfaction by good shops,
  • as a piece of jewellery: Peace of mind with hostility,
  • her engagement breaks

  • Losing a young woman an amethyst, – insults in the love follow.

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