Amber appearing in dreams is a symbol of solar, spiritual and divine attention, as well as courage, fertility and healing.
Due to its color, warmth and certain properties, amber has long been considered a magical symbol. It is said to increase physical vitality and cure disease, and amber amulets are often used to ward off evil spells. It also represents moments of joy that you have missed in your life through no fault of your own.
- If you see an amber in a dream, then it means that you will begin to enjoy forbidden pleasures.
- The sight of a fish, frog or rabbit made of amber in a dream foretells the birth of numerous offspring in a very happy household.
- A necklace made of amber is a sign that you will meet a man who will help you make the right choice in life.
- Amber color in a dream means that a certain event will wing you, you will feel a surge of confidence and extra motivation to act.
- An insect sunk in amber represents a problem or an unpleasant situation that you wish to push out of your memory, and which will never happen again.
- The amber stone in dreams alludes to the healing properties it possesses, it represents a prediction of healing from illness.
- If you find amber in a dream, your dreams and ambitions will make the future brighter for you, you will also start making the right choices in life.
- A dream about a cracked amber means that you feel internally torn between two issues and are still wondering what choice to make. Don’t worry, as the solution will soon come on its own.
Dream about amber
This symbol signifies the most fundamental aspect of your life and well-being, as well as perseverance, wisdom and healing.
It can foretell that soon there will be a happy event in your life, which you will ruin yourself – this dream is a warning to you not to do it.
Dream meaning amber
When you see an amber in your dream, it may mean that you will have to endure an extremely difficult and agonizing time for you.
If in your dream you see an insect submerged in amber, it is a sign that you will have to deal with a troublesome situation. Take comfort, however, that once you get over it. Something like this will not happen to you again soon.
When you see an amber-colored object in your dream, that some event in your life, a minor success will wing you, give you faith, strength and motivation for why to act.
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