

dream wrinklesWrinkles should promise after altindischen dream books Old age. Often one recognises in it also experience of life and is pointed out to the fact that one should use them at the age or may not fall under influence, however, negatively under them.


The folds in the face point to the experience which we had to gain in the life. If we see them in the vision or carry ourselves, the murky thoughts strike us at the moment possibly which we should fast shake off, nevertheless.



  • you has to expect inhibitions,
  • have in the face: hopes have to remain long young and to reach an old age.

(European ones).:

  • have in the face: old age, – one will make a painful experience, – also: Now after longer strain follows rest and rest. One will be able to enjoy the fruits of his work.
  • see with others: a matter will play very long a role, – one should not treat other people so haughty.


  • have: do not become haughty,
  • see: you reach very much an old age.

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