

dream riceRice as a dream symbol symbolises food spiritual as well as physical kind. In addition, it is a symbol for abundance. Rice can appear body-partly with hunger feeling. Old dream books understand him as a symbol of good health and a long life. If the dream of hunger feelings is accompanied, a sign can be seen in it also by grief and privations. Traditional interpretation: A plan can be endangered by wrong counsellors.


As basic food he symbolises the basic needs of the person. His colour concludes by cleanness and innocence. Traditionally rice magic strength is ascribed.


Like most varieties of grain rice, spiritually seen, a symbol is for immortality and fertility.



  • see: better relations are given to you,
  • rice-growing: you plan a laborious work,
  • shop: you put on your capital well and gainful,
  • cook: you will have to provide for many people,
  • eat: your property increases with the time, – good times without worries have, – also: your modesty will yield to you profit,
  • see eating rice: it will easily succeed in future everything and one will be able to count on lasting health,
  • bury: it must be calculated on annoyance and quarrel, – need and misery, – hostility.

(European ones).:

  • the emergency dream which decreases to physical or spiritual lack, – also: good omen, – it promises success and friendship, – the good success of all shops is sure to one, – a good harvest,
  • expects farmers

  • see, prepare: additional income has,
  • eat: points to luck and domestic prosperity, – good vitality and health, – what deals with one will also succeed one,
  • dirty rice: Illnesses and the separation of good friends are the result,
  • on the young women who cook rice wait shortly new interesting duties which they make happier, and they will come to new wealth,
  • rice fields see: if means the accumulation of a gigantic property.


  • eat: Health and long life,
  • cook: you will recover from an illness,
  • shop: Property increase.

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Dream interpretation and meaning : Rice

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