

dream raspberriesKey words: Sweetness, – beauty, – thorns, – cleaning, – astringent, – curative, – the uterus, – pregnancy, – menstruation, – balance, – moon of the maturing berries. Description: Raspberries are the plant totem in the moon of the maturing berries (from the 23rd of July to the 22nd of August) to Born ones in the medicine wheel. The plant is winter-hard, a height reaches possibly up to 1.20 metres, forms thorns, white blossoms and red, tasty berries. Berries, sheets and roots are medically usable all. The berries look cleaning and stimulate bubble and urinary ways. The roots are astringent and own because of her salary tan and Gallussäure antibiotic and other remedial qualities. The sheets can be used many-sided, help supposedly in particular against failure, fight against cancer in the mucous membranes and work doing good on the womb. A tea, consisting of the branches of the raspberry, served as means against colds, influenzas and difficulty in breathing. General meaning: The sweetness in your life discover, – bring in sweetness in the life more different, – preparation to clean you from old images and habits, – consciousness of the prickly aspect of your personality, – increasing fertility or knowledge about the female forces. Association: Himbeermund. Transcendent meaning: Sweetness in the dream state.


The sweet, red fruits which promise love. Who picks them in the dream, is in love maybe secretly, – who eats them, can be glad about intimate hours. If you find yourselves with the beloved person with the Himbeerpflücken, it is probably a time that you stand openly to your feelings.



  • matures see: pleased days full luck and carelessness experience,
  • immature ones see: the luck will be up something else to itself must wait,
  • pick: a secret love affair,
  • matures eat: you get hot kisses.

(European ones).:

  • means joy, pleasure and prosperity, – also: are confronted with complications which one cannot solve just like that,
  • eat: says that one pleases the darling even today,
  • of A woman who consumes raspberries approaches annoyance from secondary matters. One also gossips about them.


  • eat: Pleasure,
  • pick: you may not despair if one does not give you straight away hearing.

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