

dream pondIn a dream of a pond it is a matter about the need of the dreaming of understanding his feelings and internal sensations. He symbolises the most confidential wishes, hopes, feelings and passions which one hardly admits to himself. If the water is clear, one should stand to them, however, with murky water try to change them. The pond with fishing can announce financial profits. A pond in the wood refers to the ability to recognise own wish for peace and rest. A swimming-pool in the town stands for controlled and adjusted handling with feelings. A puddle on the street refers to an emotional problem with which the dreaming must deal, before he can follow up his plans.


All standing waters point in the dream to erotic feelings. The small lake (see there) points to depth of thought, all the more if his water is clear. Besides, is clear these waters and quiet, this points to the well-balanced emotional life of the dreaming or at least to his wish for it. Murky waters are against it a sign for inscrutable feelings and sexual difficulties and conflicts, or that we want to fish in the awake life in the murky, trade so something off the legality. If the dreaming wants to win a deep insight into his being, he must investigate the pond in the dream, while he dives in him down and gets in touch with his feelings. The pond can also show a cleaning, particularly from an old trauma and from the past crimes.


At the spiritual level the pond in the dream is a tip to deep or erotic feelings.



  • see a murky one: gloomy things experience, – one should change his life radically,
  • see a clear nice one: in the dear luck have, – you will experience contemplative hours,
  • have a bath in it: Warning before the squalid society in which one could get, particularly if the pond is slushy a little bit.

(European ones).:

  • fertility dream, – association to the amniotic fluid, – also: means that events cause no feelings and one expects a quiet destiny,
  • cleanly and clearly: a new friendship find, – good sign for himself lovers,
  • cloudily and dirty ones: Grief and disappointment, – disputes, – one will catch friends or female friends at a faithlessness,
  • have a bath in it: one should make a curve around mysterious society which might not be quite clean,
  • fish in it: Abundance and wealth,
  • dead fish in it: Ruin and grief, – capital losses.


  • see: you will take in your life a lot of pleasure,
  • you will get a nice woman (a nice man).

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