

dream picnicAssociation: – itself are nourishing in a mood of the ease. Question: – Where in my life I am ready to take the things lighter?

In general:

If promises cheerful communication.



Though a park or picnic in the dream seems to point to relaxation and pleasure, however, the feeling reaction to this dream, as well as the feelings in the dream are important. It could be a desirable fulfilment dream. Does one deny himself in the awake life such leisure pleasure? Also after other symbols one should keep a lookout – what one did in the dream, and who performed to a besides society.



  • you has a tryst.

(European ones).:

  • promises success and true joy, – bring to the youth undivided luck,
  • storms or other higher powers during a picnic prophesy the passing non-appearance of a source of income and a pleasant dear life and professional life.

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