

dream pastorWith the people who are already in the second life half the vision of the pastor is mostly an admonition to argue more with the sense of the life. However, in general the pastor or priest has the function of a minister: In the dream the priest can fulfil the helpful functions of a psychoanalyst.



  • see or speak: in his misery are comforted, – also: Do not think of yourself. By egoism you lose your friends.

(European ones).:

  • with him speak: if consolation,
  • promises

  • see: warns about hypocrisy and other bad habits, – the things take a turn to the bad and disagreeable trips approach,
  • one hears

  • the reminder of a pastor: points to a calculating person who wants to influence one to the bad person,
  • be: one claims the rights of another for himself.
  • (ind).:

    • you will have to separate from your lovers.

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    4 Comments for Pastor dream symbol

    1. hellen
    2. Sinah Nare
    3. Blessing
    4. Briana Lott

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