

dream paradiseIf a dream of the paradise acts, the dreaming produces a connection with his innate perfection. He is able to experience complete harmony with himself and to be totally innocent, besides.


The paradise is that part which is enclosed in the dreaming and to which nobody may otherwise have access. This is a separated area from which from the dreaming the perfect unity with the universe can develop. If the paradise appears in the dream, this is a sign for the fact that the dreaming longs for being able to take care with all mistakes and weaknesses. He would leave and be equalised. Who thinks in the dream in a paradise, longs for rest, for luck a little in the loneliness or at the side of a dear person.


At the spiritual level the paradise means in the dream that the dreaming of his perfect soul is aware. The garden Eden as an original creation world of God before the Fall of Man.



  • One promises the sky on earth to you, does not believe everything.
  • see: feel fine in his relations,
  • stay in it: all your wishes come true,
  • look: the paradise is in you, listen to your heart,
  • paradise garden: you long for the cleanness which you have lost.

(European ones).:

  • one counts on extraterrestrial wage as a consolation compared with the ingratitude of the environment,
  • see: meant generosity and goodwill in favour of other, – promises a happy time, – one hopes for ‘divine’ reward and can soon await happy days, – for the farmer a rich harvest, – happy marriage for fiancées, – success in occupation and shops,
  • open in the paradise and unnerves itself and lost feel: The plans which seemed exceptionally easy and productive will end in disappointment and grief,
  • are in it: Warning with high spirits, – also: one owns loyal friends, – brings good views for sailors or those who will undertake a long trip, – mothers have good children, – the children have fallen ill, she expects a quick recovery, and the destiny will be weighed to one, – for lovers it promises wealth and loyalty,
  • see themselves in it: you will find protection in all dangers, – also: on earth there is no ‘Dauerparadies’, one should say goodbye to many earthly nonsense.


  • Dreaming a good person, he comes into the paradise, he is saved because to him this glad message of God comes as a wage for the good which he has done. If this looks a bad person, he will convert and attain rescue and welfare. However, the dream also means luck in the striving for earthly wealth.
  • Seeming it one, he eats from the fruits of the paradise trees, he will find wisdom and knowledge in his faith because the fruits of the paradise are a divine, salutary apprenticeship.
  • he delivers

  • other from the fruits, he will instruct others, as well as he was highly sweet and bounteous.
  • Having the fruits only conceive, but not eaten still them with others divided, he has received the divine revelation though, but has not recognised and, therefore, he will bring no fruit.
  • giving

  • Having he the fruits eaten, but other, he is not condemned because of his futile fame addiction, however, those are saved, which has conceived.
  • Dreaming somebody, he comes to the paradise and dies, means the death, he will take damage in his faith.
  • however,

  • only do not see going in: you have a good guardian angel.

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